Childers Street

London, UK


The site sits next to the first railway viaduct built in Victorian London and establishes a linear form on the rectangle site. Due to the proximity of adjoining residential buildings the building line is set back to create a generous public forecourt, off which are located the undercroft car and bike parking and the commercial unit. The upper floor residential units are arranged around two different tenure cores with most units orientated towards the shorter ends away from the railway tracks and to better solar aspects. The few units in the middle of the plans, which face onto the viaduct are dual aspect with views out over the quieter forecourt as well. The building is slid back from the viaduct on the upper floors with large balconies established off the living rooms to the ends. The northern end steps back whilst the southern end follows the geometry of the road creating a sharp point. The top most floor is set back so as not to overshadow the street.

The facing materials are predominantly brick, one used for the circulation cores and the other for all other parts. The balconies are formed in perforated metal cladding in a bright PPC yellow hue, which is likewise used on the canopy to signify the twin entrances.

Design whilst at MDR Ass.

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