Old Dover Rd

City Rd

St Patrick's School

St. Patrick's School

London, UK


The Primary School of St. Patrick's required an interior refurbishment of its administrative suite with a need to rearrange the current spaces, resize them to their current functions and within this seek to introduce a new important space.

This saw the creation of a confidence room for private discussions between staff, parents and pupils with high acoustic insulation features and tranquil environment through its calm colour and textural palette of finishes.

The back office was shrunk to achieve this allowing for a new bespoke front of organisation reception sh screen

and back office re-arrangement and bespoke furniture and lighting design for a new welcoming main entrance.

Further phased refurbishment works included the Nursery toilets, Dining Hall, Library and provision of a new enlarged Kitchen to provide on-site meal preparation, with other associated serving spaces.

This required asbestos removal, spacial reconfigurations, fire safety upgrade works, acoustic attenuation, service renewals and external works.

K u n n a   A r c h i t e c t s